Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I Should Have Been a Doctor

I finally got those MRI results back. Here is one of the images.

A close analysis of the vertical series of marshmallows and gaps running through the image seems to confirm the existence of a central nervous system.

Thank God.


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

russell's central nervous system is HOT.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no doctor, but I am a scientist and a poet, and that looks like Spinabifida to me.

You should really get that checked out.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger N A said...

That looks like something that came out of someone's back.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The central nervous system actually exists? By G-d I thought it was a myth. when I was a young child my preschool teacher fed us marshmallows and gaps but I did not realize that this was what makes up our insides. I'm a very well known bioligist and since you have made a huge stride and pushed back the frontier of science, I would like to ask you a question that scientist have been struggling to solve for Billions of days(but no nights). Thats right no scientists work nightshifts. They may stay up all day studying animals but at night they are all party animals. Anyway I would like to ask you a very serious scientific question. Many scientists have written whole books trying anylize this question in 100 page long books but I will try to summarize it in one sentence. WHAT IS THE HEART SHAPED LIKE? Is it like the picture on a valentines day card or those fake rubber tubey things that you see on shows such as ER and Greys Anatomy and Scrubs and a variety of other hospital shows.If you could get back to me as soon as possible that would be helpful because I need to present this to the scientific community. Thanks again for enlightening us in this cyber world where our beloved infants and children are dying because they are not provided with a sufficient amount of marshmallows and gaps.

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The central nervous system actually exists? By G-d I thought it was a myth. when I was a young child my preschool teacher fed us marshmallows and gaps but I did not realize that this was what makes up our insides. I'm a very well known bioligist and since you have made a huge stride and pushed back the frontier of science, I would like to ask you a question that scientist have been struggling to solve for Billions of days(but no nights). Thats right no scientists work nightshifts. They may stay up all day studying animals but at night they are all party animals. Anyway I would like to ask you a very serious scientific question. Many scientists have written whole books trying anylize this question but I will try to summarize it in one sentence. WHAT IS THE HEART SHAPED LIKE? Is it like the picture on a valentines day card or those fake rubber tubey things that you see on shows such as ER and Greys Anatomy and Scrubs and a variety of other hospital shows.If you could get back to me as soon as possible that would be helpful because I need to present this to the scientific community. Thanks again for enlightening us in this cyber world where our beloved infants and children are dying because they are not provided with a sufficient amount of marshmallows and gaps.


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